Sitting, pigging out on Pineapple Surprise.
Okay, I realize that sounds like something gross you would get at the cafeteria, but believe me, its deelish.
So here I am, pigging out on desert, writing a blog post, PROCRASTINATING. That sounds like a dirty word. But yes. I'm doing it, when I have a huge English exam tomorrow.
So lets see. What are the oh so cool things I'm doing here. Well, for starters, I'm listning to 'The Last Song' by Dave Days. [] He is so adorable. Hahah.
I was also reading one of my friends' blogs. Lets call her... S? I don't really want to take real names here, for one, its like- WHAT IF SHE/SOMEONE I KNOW READS THIS? I don't even know if I'm going ask my friends to 'check my blog out'.
Maybe someday.
So anyway, S, writes really well. Or so the english teacher seems to think. I don't really have an opinion on that yet. Sometimes it seems shes trying to hard, other times, its very natural. Shes a nice girl, this S, but she can be really bitchy sometimes, if you don't watch your step. That kind of makes me hate her sometimes, but as they[I] say, its not all about the sugar is it?
But I wish it WAS all about the sugar. Okay, throw in a few fire breathing dragons here and there, but BALANCE IT OFF WITH FAIRIES GODDAMMIT!
Am I boring you? It doesn't matter, unless I TOLD you to check out this blog- then, I'm really sorry. This is how I write usually. So, stfu.
In other news, I seriously want to visit the Harry Potter theme park.
Harry Potter=Love, is what I always say.
I was watching Ellen the other day, where she takes these two adorable boys there, and wow. It was BRILLIANT. I have also been obsessively reading out it a lot, from various articles, and stuff, and it sounds/looks positively delightful. But alas, I dont really think I'll be going there anytime soon.
That, just bites.
On the butt.
Its really funny how people make fun of Lady Gaga and Justin Baby- oh excuse me- Beiber.
All jokes aside, when I first heard Justin Beiber, I thought he was doing the song with some girl. So I kept waiting for the man-voice to come. Waiting ... waiting... waiting... *song over*. I'm still waiting. And I was seriously amused watching his 'Baby' video, frankly, he looks like a thirteen year old, acting ghetto. Or maybe a small man who hasnt hit puberty yet. What if he DOES hit puberty? What if his voice goes really bad? End of his music career? He'll probably sell a lot of tween porn though, since hes so 'cute' and shit. My own sister thinks hes hot.
One of the reasons why I'm convinced shes adopted.
Or... lets just.
So, my best friend has decided that she MAYBE wants to wear a hijab. She asked what I thought about it, and frankly, I don't know what to think really. I mean, isnt that a huge step? I'll have to remove ALL our facebook pictures for one! Okay, I know this makes me seem selfish, but no, seriously, I mean has she even thought about it? Wearing a hijab is like, serious. You either do it properly, or you don't do it at all.
For example, I dont want her to be one of those girls who wear a head scarf and thats it. Oh, we're all nice and muslim now! One way ticket to Heaven!
Yes, I know, Im the last person to say anything, since I dont wear one myself, but see, if you chose to cover your head, shouldnt you cover your chest first?
The girls who wear tight t-shirts, showing [off, in some cases] their full figure, while covering their heads- seriously ladies? Is this a joke? Is it still April fools?
A head scarf means, you'll have to PROPERLY embrace your religion, which is scary, for me, truthfully. Pray 5 times a day and everything.
I used to get tutored in math after school from this one girl when I was younger. She went to do Umra in the summers, and when she came back, Surprise! She was wearing a head scarf, and talking baout how pious she felt and shit. It was the same with her. I saw her dressing often, [okay, yeah I might sound really backward and shit BUT-] in T shirts and jeans, her butt and boobs, not hidden, but her hair- fully covered under gauzy scarves. A bit too pious, I thought.
I dont get, whats the use of covering your hair, if you're not going to cover the main parts?
I know, I know.
I dont wear a scarf, I dont read the Quran, what the fuck do I know right?
But I've started reading it- IN ENGLISH this time. And yeah, I'm on the path. As for the hijab-rant, well, its a free country folks!
I should stop now.
More later.
PS- If you're reading this, leave a comment- What do you think about the hijab thing?
PPS- Keep it light.